The Rules of Bitachon (Part 3)

How can we know when we should do hishtadlus and when we must have Bitachon? As a rule: When something is within your ability and in your possession is an area where you may not rely on Bitachon. For example, someone cannot say, “I have bitachon that the money in my pocket will just come …

The Rules of Bitachon (Part 1)

R’ Yisroel Salanter zt”l explains that there are two main opinions regarding Bitachon: The Chovos Halevavos maintains that you must do hishtadlus along with Bitachon Not that Hakodosh Baruch Hu can’t do miracles, rather we just don’t rely on miracles. However, the Ramban is of the opinion that Bitachon is to rely solely on Hashem …

To Eat or to Sweat?

Continued from previous articles. We have been discussing the importance of enjoying what you have now instead of scrimping and saving for the future. Why did the Torah choose to teach us this lesson specifically by Shmittah? If appears that this was only a one-time challenge. Once the first Shmittah passed, everyone saw how the …

Shmittah Conundrum (Pt. 1)

There’s a fascinating pasuk that talks about Shmittah. ואכלתם לשבע, וישבתם לבטח עליה. וכי תאמרו מה נאכל בשנה השביעית, … וצויתי את ברכתי לכם בשנה השש’ת ועשת את התבואה לשלש השנים. (Vayikra 25: 19, 21) “You shall eat and be satisfied, and will live securely in the land. If you will ask, ‘What shall we …